לימודי אנגלית
English lessons - English lessons English lessons
in "English time" English
lessons are suitable for all age groups because English is not only a profession but it is also used today in a wide variety of jobs. In any existing job , they will be asked in an interview what the level of English is, even if it is not used regularly in the existing job, so it is very important to learn English.
Young children will be able to enjoy English lessons designed specifically for their growth program. It is mainly an English class where you mainly enjoy games in English, recognition of letters, sounds, expressions in the way of
experience and play, increasing vocabulary in English as well as stories in English and
songs in basic English.
Learning English can be a kind of experience at any age, starting in kindergarten and continuing with graduates who want to improve their language. There are cases where age will be an obstacle in time for us so it will be more convenient for us to take a private teacher for English lessons than at the School of English Studies. There are fears that the prices will be higher but this is not necessarily true when entering a study group and then prices will be even cheaper than English school. .
In Natalie's classrooms you can get the best English language lessons even if you are language level you can combine English lessons for speakers of the language and if you are just starting out and you want to speak English it's time to call 077-7890801 English Time and we will find a curriculum that is right for you.
Rimon Street
Harish 3786100
Mobile 0544-890893
E-mail englishtime.nr@gmail.com